Friday 4 December 2020

Art Alive Expo

 Task description: Today Point England school had a art alive expo, each team and class went into other classrooms and buildings to see what the others arts were and how they were made. Each of the arts and drawings they did were similar to us team 5 and are interesting in there own ways too, there are a few photos of them some are of us team 5 block and the rest from team 4, 3, 2 and 1. It was kind of fun getting to see what the others came up with and how they created it, our art alive expo was worth it because we all thought each arts were amazing.

Team 5, inspired by Alberto Giacometti

Team 4 block, different cultural arts

Mixed photos from different classes

Thursday 3 December 2020

Inside The Red Gate - (The Great Ordinary)

Task description: Todays blog post is from my literacy class and will maybe be my last blog post for my literacy class, anyway this poem is inspired by the great ordinary slideshow I posted about a week or 2 ago before starting to do this. This peom is inspired by the great ordinary because the title was about At the end of my driveway, how kids walking to school and deep in their own thoughts and worlds. This was done in a group of four me and my other 3 buddies in my reading groups Paua and Kina, so it was fun doing this because our was Inside the  red gate which talks about our school Point England.

Monday 30 November 2020



Task description: Todays blog post is about a PSA me and my buddies did for our reading group, me and my group of 3 including me which makes 4. This was about a topic we chose because we had to make a slideshow about something happening in this world so we chose one about water pollution and our environment. This was pretty fun to do because my group and I came up with different ideas and things to use to put together for video slideshow.

Thursday 26 November 2020

The Great Ordinary

Task description: Todays blog post is from my literacy class and is also about the great ordinary, a woman who is a photographer who takes photo's of people who are lost is their own thoughts and world. It talks about how many photos she took and projects she has done, this was for our group called Paua and kina the highest reading group and also to show us some tips on how to show us what to when we are taking photographs.

Monday 16 November 2020

Fresh Frctions 2. 1

Task description: This blog post is a warm up or like a practice work from my maths class, we were working on fractions like 1/4 of 12 or something similar to this equation or problem. This was easy and confusing at the same time because some problems have a bit of a twist, it helps me get more better at my fractions.

Sunday 15 November 2020

Manaiakalani Film Festival 2020

year 2020s manaiakalni film festival from our school has finally finished, Wow! time really does fly by at this time of year : ) this is a blog post talking and showing some videos that I picked that have been presented for manaiakalanifilm festival.

This is one of the of the videos I have chosen becuase it talks all about how we were level 2 from Covid-19 and have been spacing out or spread out away from each other ever since we came back to school, this video was presented by our team 4 for students in room 7.  It also has some scenes where they explain how sad  lock down was and how boring level 2 was for them.

This video is about champions never give up, this shows how much couches and managers we had for when it came to sports and everything. This video also shows how much sports have been going on for the past few years at Pt england school, how we keep up with all the sports that's taking place without any problems. We show how much we care about our school and take pride for who we are and which school we come from so this is why they made a video about champions never give up,

Friday 13 November 2020

Climate Change Web

Task description: Today's blog post is from my literacy class for writing, we were talking about climate change and simalarities and why climate change is important. This is a google drawing with some facts about climate changes and what makes it what it is now.

Tuesday 10 November 2020

T4W5 Choose It

 Greenpeace Takes on Taiwan's Biggest Environmental Problems | ICRT Blog

2019 January 8th,  water pollution growing more and to much use for plastic, plastic bags and 

Water pollution, for over many years our waters and oceans have been found with a lot of different plastics being thrown in. Many corals and living creatures have been dying because the plastic there never breaks down, is never being cleaned out or never goes away. Marine water fishers had many trouble finding fishes, tunas and other sea food but some found plastics with many fishes wrapped within the plastic. All animals in our ocean think that plastic is some type of food they can eat but really they are mistaken because plastic is easy to spot but hard to break down in tiny bits.

There are many beaches here that have lots of plastic and have been building up for a long time which makes it more for us to clean, all it takes is one more year of plastic being thrown onto our beaches and our world becomes a total wasteland. Our beaches are important to us because we can go relax there, have a swim and to also have a little fun with our families and friends too. But for that to happen we need to stop littering and just use bins that are nearby because it takes up plastic bags 1,000 years to break down or to decompose. But for other different plastics it takes about 150 or 200 years to break down, many plastics have been spotted on beaches and are hard to pick up with more than 1 of them.

Plastic bags, we use plastic bags daily and for transportation to carry stuff in, we sometimes use plastic bags 10x a day or even more for our shoppings. Plastic bags can take long to decompose even if they are really easy to use but are hard to get rid of, in 2021 there might be a chance that the usage will grow 10 or 20x more than in 2020 this year.

To be continued …………...

Monday 9 November 2020

Maths T4W5

Task description: Today's blog is all from my maths class, the only reason why I have to tasks on one blog post is because we only have one block for each subject because this week is a busy week. Here we have multiplication pyramid as a warm up and below it is our actual slide about BEDMAS, it was pretty fun doing BEDMAS again because I haven't done it ever since last year.
This is a multiplication pryamid warm up for us so it could help us get warmed up to focus on our actual maths work but this one is all just using timetables, like 1 x 3 = 3 and the answer goes to the other box and do the same to the other ones.
This has to do about BEDMAS our Brackets ,exponents ,division ,multiplication, addition and subtraction, also has problems that help us understand more about bedmas and all about order of operations.

Thursday 5 November 2020

Alphabet Multiplication

Task description: Today's blog [post] is from my math class in room 11 and is about alphabet multiplication which are letters that semble numbers. This was kinda hard to work out until I got the patterns of what we were doing then I just started timezing it. 

Tuesday 27 October 2020

Create Task: Lighting the Way with Solar Energy

Task description: Today's blog post is a create task from my literacy class for reading, this is facts and things that have to do with our new renewable energy and how it can be used for during the future. There is a reason why the boxes are different colours because red means the problem, green means solution and yellow means some more facts about renewable energy.

Tuesday 20 October 2020

Sustainability Water: Paragraph

Water, water is important. It is the main thing that keeps all animals including us humans alive too, water is a resource that helps every living thing on earth to drink and stay dehydrated to keep us moving.  There is 97% of salt water then there is clean water, there is 1% of clean water on the planet but they are also mainly found in rivers, streams and waterfalls. We are running out on fresh water and we may only last until 2025 so for us to prevent that from happening we all have to at least try using less water and only use it when needed.

To me and others water is something we need to start taking care of our water. I take pride in what I have is important to us. I would take care of it and make sure it lasts.  Well the water that we have right now is good but we need to keep using less water and hope that the day that we run out of water never comes, or hope it rains so we could also fill up our rivers, streams and that with more water.  Climate change and pollution makes our water taste a bit when we drink, all the rubbish and mud and dirt that get into our rivers,lakes,waterfalls and streams. Our water should not be used for something that is not useful to us and should only be used when you need to shower,clean dishes and other stuff that keeps you clean and healthy. We should keep our water clean and stop polluting our environment because that is somehow connected to our water problems too.Farmers have been ask to take care of there water and to make sure that they don’t over use their water to also keep an eye out on there animals just incase they pollute our rivers,lakes and water fountains.People think the problem is that dairy farming because how some farms are near rivers and that the animals dirt and mud gets into the river, also farmers aren’t the only people who pollute our rivers because how birds and and other animals kept on drinking from our rivers and are dirty. Farmers also need to take care of their animals and to make sure they get plenty of rest for the rest of the day and week. 

Task description: This post is of another blog post called sustainability water,this is the SEE paragraph writing for it and also is talking about our water cequince and it talks about how to save our water from running out. This was extremely interesting because it talks about our water and what it means to have it and other things too.


Sustainability Water

Task description: Today's blog post is from my literacy class for writing, for writing we were writing about sustainability water the water that we use and drink. Our very own water is to run out but for that not to happen we need to make sure we only use it when needed and it's also helpinf us for when we do tasks about our water. 

Monday 19 October 2020

Literacy - Renewable Energy

Task description: Today's blog post is from my literacy class, for this we talked and wrote about renewable energy usage and how to save up our energy and electricity. We also had to write six solutions and problems  about facts from the video we watched.

Maths - Awesome Algrebra

Task description: Today's blog post is from my math class,in my math class we were doing awesome algebra but the last maths task we did before was for adorable algebra instead. In this slideshow it shows a create task for this create task I had to do the same thing for 2 of the other slides but use a different pattern number and number in patterns on put on a graph to show what it looks like on a graph.

Friday 16 October 2020

Immersion Assembly - On Monday

 At immersion assembly on Monday, we got ready to go into the hall for immersion assemby with the whole school team 5 was the last to go in so we took a little bit of time and started singing one more song before we went into the hall. At assembly the Mr Burt the principal started talking baout some notices and some of the things that have been happening this year like covid-19 and other things,this was also our first time been in assembly as a whole school because of covid-19 and because we had to be spaced out. It felt nice been able to sit as a whole school in assembly because the days that have went passed and how boring it was just us team 5 students sitting in the hall by our selves but now that we are back to level 1 again we can keep on having school assembly every fridays.

Adorable Algebra 2

Task description: Today's blog post is from my math class and is about adorable algebra,for this we were learning how to use algebra and understanding the basics about it. I also underdstood how algebra is one of the main things that is used for maths and how problems and stradegies work to try and solve it. This was a little hard to understand but of you look in to more it would help you think and emprove.

Sebastioa Salgado - Artist Inquiry

Task description: This blog post is about a well known artist who lives in in Brazil,this is for inquiry and is from our art alive theme for this term. Sebastio Salgado worked since the 1990's and has worked ever since, this was in my home class in room 11&12 by our second teacher Mr Hughes and we have been switching from class to class in team 5 to learn about artistes around the globe.

Wednesday 14 October 2020

Maths - Line Graphs

Task description: Today's blog post is from my math class, in my math class we were talking and writing about line graphs. For line graphs we did score and days on a chart so on the side the numbers of scores and the bottom horizontally the days o fthe week. It would help us learn how to use a line chart for when we become adults and use the line chart for either work or how much money we make every day in a week.

Tuesday 13 October 2020

Art Alive George Seurat

Task description: Today's blog post is about a famous painting artist from back in 1884 named George Seurat who was born in a city called Paris. This is apart our inquiry and our theme for this term art alive, This was presented in room 3 team 5. For this week we will be travelling from room to room discovering about different artistes from different continents and places too.

Monday 12 October 2020

Plastic Fantastic

Task description: This blog post is from my literacy class for reading. Today we were doing a slide show task about plastic fantastic, plastic fantastic has to do with our plastic things we use and it also includes something very important with out environment. We were looking at the different problems that plastics can cause just like how people pollute the environment by throwing there rubbish everywhere, we also talk about other things connected to it too. There is also a create task down at the bottom of this slideshow also talking about plastic bags and how plastic bags were made.

Friday 25 September 2020

Term 3 Highlights

Task description: This blog post is about my 3 highlights of term 3 with some added photos that shows some of the events that happened. I had to also tell what we think would happen in term 4 or the things that will take place, this was also done on the last day of school for term 3 so I have explained some of the many things I enjoyed this term with the rest of the students in team 5 block. So for term 4 I'm hoping that we go back to level 1 so that we can play games and activities like how we normally play before all this covid happened, to also to have fun wheather we won't to or not.

Thursday 24 September 2020

Taha Tinana - Wk 10 - NZ Sign Language Week 2020

Task description: This post task is a taha challenge, for this taha challenge for today we did taha tinana the sports we play but we have to do the sign language moves for each of the sports we do. We also had to video ourselfs showing each of the phrases for each sports we chose and post is it on our blog .

Tuesday 22 September 2020

Greek Myths And Legends

Task description: Today's blog post is from my literacy class for reading,it is about greek myths/legends like what we did earlier during the term or either in term 2. This has to do with some of the myths/legends that some of us students have learned about and have to answer questions that involve the stories we been studing about as well.

Monday 21 September 2020

Amira, Tuluinga, Alison, and Jedida Theseus and the Minotaur - Maths

Task description: Today's blog post is from my math class in room 11&12, this was based on a video that we had to watch and make a create task. For the create task we had to make a maze about an animal called the minotaur and down at the very last slide there is a video and a photo near it with one of my buddies that we to partner up with.

A.T.A Taha Whānau - Wk 10 - NZ Sign Language Week 2020

Task description: Today's blog post is from a te whare tapa wha challenge that we team 5 students do every single week,on monday we do taha whanau and so for taha whanau we did a poster,google slide or a google  drawing about sign language week. We had to say our names doing sign language and introduce our selfs and what we know about sign lamguage,I also did this with some of my friends as a 3 student group.

Thursday 17 September 2020

Captain Cook - Venus transit

Task description: Today's blog post is about a Venus transit that happened on the 5th and 6th of June 2012 and this is also from my reading class group in my literacy class in room 1 with Mrs Moala our teacher. This is a create task from a reading blog post I did pisted up not long ago about Captain James Cook like how he travelled around the world or the places he was learning about. This was a fun create task to do because it also helps me learn some things about planet venus and the sun too.

Wednesday 16 September 2020

Captain Cook

Task description: Today's blog post is from my literacy class from my reading group, a group named paua and kina is a group who is reading at a higher reading level or the age their meant to be reading at or writing. This task is about Captain James Cook, Captain Cook is a britsh or england travller who travels around the world discovering new Islands and seeing what other cultures do,we also had to watch a video and read a journal book about him and answer questions that are connected to him.

Taha Tinana - 5 Different Exercises

Task description: This blog post apart of a daily taha challenge that we do everyday except for fridays,this one is taha tinana so for it we had to come up with 5 different exercises and take a photo or a video of what we came up with and then post it on your blog.

Cross Country

 Task description: Today's blog post is about our Cross Country run that took place on last weeks Friday, on Friday it was a hot day but a little bit of rain pooring down. For me cross country was little bit different from what we did last year because of Covid-19 but it still did happen, It was worth it because it could also help us to still be fit and healthy and even if there was no spectaters it was fun to do as a whole school. It was fun watching the little ones run and take part of this years cross country run because to them it's fun but for some of seniors and juniors it's little bit retiring mainly cause we have to run 2 laps around the reserve.

Monday 14 September 2020

Taha Whanau - Special Occasion

Task description: Today's blog post is from te whare tapa wha - taha whanau,this taha challenge is about a special occasion that we went to with our families or what we did with them. So this is a blog post of pictures of my family if when we took photos and videos of what we did and for when we had activities.

Thursday 10 September 2020

Taniwha Description

Task description: Today's blog post is from my literacy class in room 1 with Mrs moala,this task is about a taniwha that I had made myself but it was hard tryin to do it on hyperstudio because it was very hard to draw including it's body parts. But the name that I used for mine is actually a name of someone or something but I only used the name and all there other things are different then whatever has that name or who,I could have drawn it on paper but I had to rush to get it done today.

Wednesday 9 September 2020


Task description: Today in my reading class we were all told to watch a video and pick whatever taniwha was in it or find another one. So this is my taniwha that I found the name of my taniwha is Tutaeporoporo as you can see on the slide show, and there is a very very short video sorry if I couldn't make it more longer it's because we had to head back to our homeclasses.

Tuesday 8 September 2020

Tonga-Education Day Coronation

 Today I will be telling you about education coronation day which was an event that took place somewhere in Tonga. This event was put forth for those who graduated and for those students who took part in their school works, but the twist is that there was another bunch of groups and people that came all the way from China to be a part of this graduation coronation day. Tonga is an island that has talented ways of showing off their ways to those who come and see, like how they perform their performances at their graduation coronation day. There is also a link at the top where it says education coronation day if you want to watch the video showing what happened on that day then press on that link to watch.

Tonga is one of the biggest islands in the south and also has some of the best schools so this is why this amazing event came to place because they deserve to graduate for their hard working and their knowledge of what they know. So I would say that this education day coronation is one of the best events that ever happened in Tonga and if I was there I would take part in this event because to me it looks really fun to do,Tonga is my favourite place to go to because how they celebrate on events is really interesting and involves many different things and colours.

Taha Whanau-5 Tongan Family Values

Task description: This blog post is about Tongan language week so we had to write down 5 values of what Tongan families value what they do that's important or is the right thing to do like respecting your elders or other things that you can include. There is Tongan words of the words I chose and English for seeing what what the word was but in English.

Monday 7 September 2020

Measuring Tapa Cloth

Task description: Today's blog post is from my math class in room 11&12,this is about measuring tapa cloth,it has to do with the approximate and the width of the tapa cloth. Since it is Tongan language week every task we do this week is all gonna be about Tonga so this is my math work that has Tongan  materials that are used for the questions.

Tongan Language Week

 This whole week is about Tongan language week,for Tongan language we are going to be looking and learning on what they do for there culture and also seeing on what makes it so special in it's own unque way. The theme for tongan language week this week is 'Fakakoloa 'o Aotearoa 'aki 'a e Lotu Mo ' oni', in english it is Enriching Aotearoa New Zealnad through prayer and faith. The Capital of Tonga is Nuku 'alofa,they also have a king who rules and looks after the land,his name is king Tupou VI and his family helps him through his role and supports him too.

Tonga flag image - country flags