Friday 30 August 2019

Vorsatllo Volume

This week we are working on a maths slide from room 4 in Mrs stone's class because on our maths turn in sheet is done so that's why my teacher told those people that are finish to do one of there slides.

The return of the moa

This week we are writing about the return of the moa because we all are asking if we should bring the moa back to life. We are doing this with our teacher Mrs Moala in room 1 in team five where the seniors are just near team 4&3.

Wednesday 28 August 2019

Perimeter,Area and Volume

This week we are working on our maths work about Perimeter ,Area and volume for our test on Friday with our teacher Mrs Moala in room 1 at team five building near the gates to exit. Our next one be of our Angles so just wait until next time when I post another one as well

Tuesday 27 August 2019

Body Cells

This wk we are working on a topic that includes our cells that are in our bodies because it's important that we know every thing about our selves to know if we are having cancer or something even more worse

Monday 26 August 2019


This term we were working on our Pseudoscience with our teacher mrs Moala in room 1 in team five but now we have finished it with the help of our teacher.

Wednesday 21 August 2019

Production-Toy Shop

This term we are working on a video that we are showing to you all to see what is happening at Point England school in week 9. But we wouldn't have done this without our teacher Mrs Moala in room 1 in team five but now we have finally finish our task that we were given .

Tuesday 20 August 2019

Maths Project

This Term we are working on our maths project to see the area, Perimeter and the volume with our teacher Mrs Moala. But we have some more work that we want to show you's when we are all done our name project in room 1 math class after our writing class in team 5 near year 7&8's.


                                                                 Wonderful Brain

The brain is about an octopus that is smart and that has 8 brains and 3 hearts but it could camouflage in to stuff that it sees and turn into it. But an octopus haunts during the day because they could go back to their homes and sleep during the night but the octopus has it's on place where they like to sleep by them selves.

A squid and a octopus has the same abilities that they both can camouflage but they don't have the same skin when transform in their normal selves after they are safe from the big fish that go 's around looking for it's meal that crawls around in the sand.

Image result for octopusThe legs of the octopus has 8 brains in each one it's because the legs make it go a lot more faster and more better for it to survive and live.

Monday 19 August 2019

Advertisements Persuasive or not

This week we are working on our Advertisements Persuasive or not to show what we learnt what we did for our writing . but this is the what we all did with our teacher Mrs Moala in room one .

Friday 16 August 2019

Extension trip to KPMG

          Extension trip to KPMG

Today me and the kids that were picked to o on the trip went there with three teachers. When we were on our way we started to sing on the bus and talk to our mates until we arrived and had to be in two straight lines near the doors. We went inside and we saw people walking when we got to the room we started doing activities about our for the school which is some thing in the water. We went to have morning tea then talked about stuff then we walked down the road to a place that this lady would show us photos of what she was doing for the community. After that we walked straight back and had a pop quiz then we had lunch and our lunch was burgers,pizza,salad and chicken fries. In the afternoon we had to get into five groups and make a robot then it was time for us to pack up and head back to school.
                           THE END

Tuesday 13 August 2019

Persuasive writing school hours

Hook: I think that school should go on early and finish late?

Good reason 
Students aren’t competing with each other because they spend to much time at home. But if we try and bring them closer they will agree too.

Better reason
School helps us get better and gets us into more sports to keep us strong.

Best reason
Why because we have to learn more and to see living things. How our kids can have a better future and they can  live their dreams.

Conclusion: We all have to stick to the finish early and finish in the afternoon at three o’clock. But we must think to help get from our parents and mostly our mates.

Why we should make school start early and finish late to have a great start at our learning. Students aren’t competing with each other because they spend to much time at home on their phones or other stuff as well. But if we try they will come to school early and go home in the afternoon. School helps us get better.More sports to make us  stay strong and be brave to explore more adventures with travelers that are travel around the world. Why because we need to learn more about ourselves and more about living things with doctor Terry. How our kids could have a better future and a better experience of a life time. We all have to stick to when school ends and starts so we can be better parents and teachers for the school and for our family and friends.

Friday 2 August 2019

The tree of life

This term we are working on our tree of life with our teacher Mrs Moala in room one literacy class But now we have finished it and now its on my blog