Monday 30 November 2020



Task description: Todays blog post is about a PSA me and my buddies did for our reading group, me and my group of 3 including me which makes 4. This was about a topic we chose because we had to make a slideshow about something happening in this world so we chose one about water pollution and our environment. This was pretty fun to do because my group and I came up with different ideas and things to use to put together for video slideshow.

Thursday 26 November 2020

The Great Ordinary

Task description: Todays blog post is from my literacy class and is also about the great ordinary, a woman who is a photographer who takes photo's of people who are lost is their own thoughts and world. It talks about how many photos she took and projects she has done, this was for our group called Paua and kina the highest reading group and also to show us some tips on how to show us what to when we are taking photographs.

Monday 16 November 2020

Fresh Frctions 2. 1

Task description: This blog post is a warm up or like a practice work from my maths class, we were working on fractions like 1/4 of 12 or something similar to this equation or problem. This was easy and confusing at the same time because some problems have a bit of a twist, it helps me get more better at my fractions.

Sunday 15 November 2020

Manaiakalani Film Festival 2020

year 2020s manaiakalni film festival from our school has finally finished, Wow! time really does fly by at this time of year : ) this is a blog post talking and showing some videos that I picked that have been presented for manaiakalanifilm festival.

This is one of the of the videos I have chosen becuase it talks all about how we were level 2 from Covid-19 and have been spacing out or spread out away from each other ever since we came back to school, this video was presented by our team 4 for students in room 7.  It also has some scenes where they explain how sad  lock down was and how boring level 2 was for them.

This video is about champions never give up, this shows how much couches and managers we had for when it came to sports and everything. This video also shows how much sports have been going on for the past few years at Pt england school, how we keep up with all the sports that's taking place without any problems. We show how much we care about our school and take pride for who we are and which school we come from so this is why they made a video about champions never give up,

Friday 13 November 2020

Climate Change Web

Task description: Today's blog post is from my literacy class for writing, we were talking about climate change and simalarities and why climate change is important. This is a google drawing with some facts about climate changes and what makes it what it is now.

Tuesday 10 November 2020

T4W5 Choose It

 Greenpeace Takes on Taiwan's Biggest Environmental Problems | ICRT Blog

2019 January 8th,  water pollution growing more and to much use for plastic, plastic bags and 

Water pollution, for over many years our waters and oceans have been found with a lot of different plastics being thrown in. Many corals and living creatures have been dying because the plastic there never breaks down, is never being cleaned out or never goes away. Marine water fishers had many trouble finding fishes, tunas and other sea food but some found plastics with many fishes wrapped within the plastic. All animals in our ocean think that plastic is some type of food they can eat but really they are mistaken because plastic is easy to spot but hard to break down in tiny bits.

There are many beaches here that have lots of plastic and have been building up for a long time which makes it more for us to clean, all it takes is one more year of plastic being thrown onto our beaches and our world becomes a total wasteland. Our beaches are important to us because we can go relax there, have a swim and to also have a little fun with our families and friends too. But for that to happen we need to stop littering and just use bins that are nearby because it takes up plastic bags 1,000 years to break down or to decompose. But for other different plastics it takes about 150 or 200 years to break down, many plastics have been spotted on beaches and are hard to pick up with more than 1 of them.

Plastic bags, we use plastic bags daily and for transportation to carry stuff in, we sometimes use plastic bags 10x a day or even more for our shoppings. Plastic bags can take long to decompose even if they are really easy to use but are hard to get rid of, in 2021 there might be a chance that the usage will grow 10 or 20x more than in 2020 this year.

To be continued …………...

Monday 9 November 2020

Maths T4W5

Task description: Today's blog is all from my maths class, the only reason why I have to tasks on one blog post is because we only have one block for each subject because this week is a busy week. Here we have multiplication pyramid as a warm up and below it is our actual slide about BEDMAS, it was pretty fun doing BEDMAS again because I haven't done it ever since last year.
This is a multiplication pryamid warm up for us so it could help us get warmed up to focus on our actual maths work but this one is all just using timetables, like 1 x 3 = 3 and the answer goes to the other box and do the same to the other ones.
This has to do about BEDMAS our Brackets ,exponents ,division ,multiplication, addition and subtraction, also has problems that help us understand more about bedmas and all about order of operations.

Thursday 5 November 2020

Alphabet Multiplication

Task description: Today's blog [post] is from my math class in room 11 and is about alphabet multiplication which are letters that semble numbers. This was kinda hard to work out until I got the patterns of what we were doing then I just started timezing it.