Tuesday 27 October 2020

Create Task: Lighting the Way with Solar Energy

Task description: Today's blog post is a create task from my literacy class for reading, this is facts and things that have to do with our new renewable energy and how it can be used for during the future. There is a reason why the boxes are different colours because red means the problem, green means solution and yellow means some more facts about renewable energy.

Tuesday 20 October 2020

Sustainability Water: Paragraph


Water, water is important. It is the main thing that keeps all animals including us humans alive too, water is a resource that helps every living thing on earth to drink and stay dehydrated to keep us moving.  There is 97% of salt water then there is clean water, there is 1% of clean water on the planet but they are also mainly found in rivers, streams and waterfalls. We are running out on fresh water and we may only last until 2025 so for us to prevent that from happening we all have to at least try using less water and only use it when needed.

To me and others water is something we need to start taking care of our water. I take pride in what I have is important to us. I would take care of it and make sure it lasts.  Well the water that we have right now is good but we need to keep using less water and hope that the day that we run out of water never comes, or hope it rains so we could also fill up our rivers, streams and that with more water.  Climate change and pollution makes our water taste a bit when we drink, all the rubbish and mud and dirt that get into our rivers,lakes,waterfalls and streams. Our water should not be used for something that is not useful to us and should only be used when you need to shower,clean dishes and other stuff that keeps you clean and healthy. We should keep our water clean and stop polluting our environment because that is somehow connected to our water problems too.Farmers have been ask to take care of there water and to make sure that they don’t over use their water to also keep an eye out on there animals just incase they pollute our rivers,lakes and water fountains.People think the problem is that dairy farming because how some farms are near rivers and that the animals dirt and mud gets into the river, also farmers aren’t the only people who pollute our rivers because how birds and and other animals kept on drinking from our rivers and are dirty. Farmers also need to take care of their animals and to make sure they get plenty of rest for the rest of the day and week. 

Task description: This post is of another blog post called sustainability water,this is the SEE paragraph writing for it and also is talking about our water cequince and it talks about how to save our water from running out. This was extremely interesting because it talks about our water and what it means to have it and other things too.


Sustainability Water

Task description: Today's blog post is from my literacy class for writing, for writing we were writing about sustainability water the water that we use and drink. Our very own water is to run out but for that not to happen we need to make sure we only use it when needed and it's also helpinf us for when we do tasks about our water. 

Monday 19 October 2020

Literacy - Renewable Energy

Task description: Today's blog post is from my literacy class, for this we talked and wrote about renewable energy usage and how to save up our energy and electricity. We also had to write six solutions and problems  about facts from the video we watched.

Maths - Awesome Algrebra

Task description: Today's blog post is from my math class,in my math class we were doing awesome algebra but the last maths task we did before was for adorable algebra instead. In this slideshow it shows a create task for this create task I had to do the same thing for 2 of the other slides but use a different pattern number and number in patterns on put on a graph to show what it looks like on a graph.

Friday 16 October 2020

Immersion Assembly - On Monday

 At immersion assembly on Monday, we got ready to go into the hall for immersion assemby with the whole school team 5 was the last to go in so we took a little bit of time and started singing one more song before we went into the hall. At assembly the Mr Burt the principal started talking baout some notices and some of the things that have been happening this year like covid-19 and other things,this was also our first time been in assembly as a whole school because of covid-19 and because we had to be spaced out. It felt nice been able to sit as a whole school in assembly because the days that have went passed and how boring it was just us team 5 students sitting in the hall by our selves but now that we are back to level 1 again we can keep on having school assembly every fridays.

Adorable Algebra 2

Task description: Today's blog post is from my math class and is about adorable algebra,for this we were learning how to use algebra and understanding the basics about it. I also underdstood how algebra is one of the main things that is used for maths and how problems and stradegies work to try and solve it. This was a little hard to understand but of you look in to more it would help you think and emprove.

Sebastioa Salgado - Artist Inquiry

Task description: This blog post is about a well known artist who lives in in Brazil,this is for inquiry and is from our art alive theme for this term. Sebastio Salgado worked since the 1990's and has worked ever since, this was in my home class in room 11&12 by our second teacher Mr Hughes and we have been switching from class to class in team 5 to learn about artistes around the globe.

Wednesday 14 October 2020

Maths - Line Graphs

Task description: Today's blog post is from my math class, in my math class we were talking and writing about line graphs. For line graphs we did score and days on a chart so on the side the numbers of scores and the bottom horizontally the days o fthe week. It would help us learn how to use a line chart for when we become adults and use the line chart for either work or how much money we make every day in a week.

Tuesday 13 October 2020

Art Alive George Seurat

Task description: Today's blog post is about a famous painting artist from back in 1884 named George Seurat who was born in a city called Paris. This is apart our inquiry and our theme for this term art alive, This was presented in room 3 team 5. For this week we will be travelling from room to room discovering about different artistes from different continents and places too.

Monday 12 October 2020

Plastic Fantastic

Task description: This blog post is from my literacy class for reading. Today we were doing a slide show task about plastic fantastic, plastic fantastic has to do with our plastic things we use and it also includes something very important with out environment. We were looking at the different problems that plastics can cause just like how people pollute the environment by throwing there rubbish everywhere, we also talk about other things connected to it too. There is also a create task down at the bottom of this slideshow also talking about plastic bags and how plastic bags were made.