Monday 31 August 2020

Virtual Bookshelf

Task description: Todays blog post is a create task from Mrs Moala's class room one, 3 students from room 5 Mrs Ilaoas class including me was asigned to her class because our teacher took a day of. So for the create task we had to make a google slide or google drawing and create a slide with a picture of a living room with a bookshelf and books on it with furniture and other things,so for my one I used random pictures on the internet,also each book on the shelf has a link to a video of the book. 

Thursday 20 August 2020

Independant and Dependant clauses 1

Task Description: Today's blog post is from my literacy class in room 1,this blog post talks about how we students from each school can improve on for when we are doing an writing or a summary of something using the correct words. It is also about compound and complex sentences,say like the main clauses green or the subordinate clauses blue, this topic was explained to us yesterday on a google meeting with teacher and class members.

Wednesday 19 August 2020

Independant and Dependant clauses 1

Task description: This blog post is from my literacy class for writing,this is about a google slide show that talks about the main bits that is important when we are writing an SA,summary or a writning test. It also has compound and complex sentences that we had to match up into the right order.

Tuesday 18 August 2020

Rata And The Totara Tree

Task Description: Today's blog post was from my literacy,in our litercay reading groups paua, kina , oysters and muscles as well. This blog post is about Rata and the Totara tree,Rata was a man who was a expert at canoe's and knows how to build them,it is also about how he came across a big and thick tree called the Totara tree. This was also during our second lockdown of the year on Tuesday on the second day of lockdown, it was quite interesting because I got to learn more facts about the Totara tree. 

Monday 10 August 2020

Yr 8 Camp: Questions

Task Description: Todays blog post is apart of 2 of my posts that I put up on my blog thats all about the yr 8 camp and the yr 7 team building here at school in team 5 block. This blog post is a little bit different because this has some questions that we had to answer,say like if I went to camp all the questions you answer have to be about camp and the same goes to the yr 7 team building. Well one of the questions were Quick finishers could make up a programme for 2021 events and some more so yeah.

Yr 7&8 Leader Sharing Time

Task Description: Today at 10:00 us team 5 students had an assembly talking about some of there highlights like our captains for each of our groups came up and shared some of there highlights with us of what had happend when yr 8s were at camp and when yr 7s stayed back at school and had a team building program to do for 3 days. So for today I will be telling some highlights of what every captains said yr 8 and yr 7,some of them might be bullet points because they didn't pretty much say that many speeches because they only had like 30s to talk of some of there best highlights were all about when we had 3 days of camp and team building.

  • Telling how much encouragement it took them to try and convince there other team members to take part in the events that has been made for us and programed for us as well
  • Each captain explained what there most important highlights were and what there favourite activities were
  • Each of there speeches were really interesting and more convincing because they use there own words to show what they have learnt and have experienced
  • That it's all about been a great leader and includes alot of team work because the yr 8 camp was all about leadership including the yr 7s even if they didn't come to camp they still had a team building
  • They also have to explain some of there most had times that they had to go throught during those 3 days last week just to try and help out there group because it requires alot of braveness participation too

Yr 8 Camp

Task Description: Last week on Wednesday the yr 8s went to camp at Kauaeranga valley all the way out of Auckland,at camp we stayed there for 3 days but during the camp we took a few photos as our highlights. The yr 8 camp was so fun because we had to move from one activity/stations to another, those stations were Air rifles,Railway jiggers,archery,Go karts,Ropes,BMXs,Gym activities and Paintball, Our team names for our groups were called Coromandel,Kauri,Thames and Kauaeranga. This yr 8 camp is an leadership camp for our yr 8s to learn what its like to be a leader and how it feels,I have a few photos of me and my group at one of the stations which was Air rifles also I was the first girl in my group to hit one of the new targets that Kauaeranga valley staff got,I hit one of them which was a man the colour of it was orange. Also it felt great going on the yr 8 camp because I got to experience new things and I get to learn how they do things around at kauaeranga,so I hope that our yr 7s have a great time when they go there.

Tuesday 4 August 2020

Subtracting & Adding Decimals

Task Description: This blog post is about adding and subtracting decimals,I found this task really easy and hard at the same time because at first I couldn't understand it but now yes. This is my math task from my math teacher named Mrs Ilaoa in room 11 & 12 at pt england school.