Friday 31 July 2020

Te Whare Tapa Wha

Task Description: This blog post is Te whare tapa wha that we did today after assembly,this te whare tapa wha was a google drawing doc that we had to because there were a few questions asking about tahas that are in te whare tapa wha. We also had to explain why the te whare tapa wha was  important to us and what we know about the tahas so what they mean to us.

Wednesday 29 July 2020

Creation Myths

Task Description: Todays blog post is from my literacy class and a little of inquiry too,well this blog post is about creation myths & legend all across the globe in each country,contenent and Islands as well. I had to pick 2 myths from a different country and then we had to compare each other if they have the things used in each myth or others,oh I also did this task with a buddy.

Tuesday 28 July 2020

Manaiakalani Prac Decimal Pres

Task Description: This blog pot is from my math class in room 11 with Mrs Ilaoa,today we were learning about decimals and how to use decimats so we had to fill in this math slides and show what we know and learnt about decimals,place values and fractions. This is also an Manaikalani slide show because the manaikalani is part of it too,it was really interesting because we were learning on how to use a decimat and what the decimats were for.

Understanding Decimals

Task Description: This blog post is from my math class in room 11&12 with my math teacher Mrs Ilaoa and my classmates. This math post is about Understanding decimals and trying to understand other ways how to explain place values by using decimat,but this is a warm up the next one will be the real one. 

Monday 27 July 2020

Hobbit Narrative

Task Descfiption: todays blog post is a hobbit narrative from my literacy class in room 1 with Mrs Moala,we had a dicussion and watched a little video of a bit from the lord of the rings. Today in our literacy class we had to write down as a narrative of the words that Gandalf and Bilbo said in the video ride up to the 30s of the video and to also discribe what they were doing in the video as well. Well here is what I heard when I was watching the video,down underneath this task description there is a narrative down there showing what I thought that had happened there,also its not done done but atleast i did something instead of nothing.

Hobbit: Narrative

While watching the beginning of The Hobbit, turn what you see in the movie clip into a written narrative. Be sure to focus on your use of punctuation while you are writing. 

It was a blue sunny day and Bilbo was sitting peacefully on a bench , then as he was sitting down smoking his pipe, Gandalf came walking by, Gandalf had summoned a butterfly made out of smoke, as he summoned it,it flew towards Bilbo’s face. Suddenly the butterfly landed on his nose causing him to shimmy his nose a bit,he looked up and saw Gandalf standing right in front of him,he glared at him for a little moment.
Then Bilbo said ‘good morning, then Gandalf said ‘what do you mean,do you mean to wish me a good morning or whether I wanted it or not; Or perhaps you mean to say that you feel good!,on this particular morning. Bilbo sat there quietly and didn’t reply to what he said,Gandalf took a deep breath and said ‘Or are you simply stating that this is a morning to be good on,Bilbo then replied and said this ‘All of them at once have, I suppose. Then Bilbo said this ‘can I help you,Gandalf said ‘that remains to be seen,I'm looking for someone to share an adventure,Bilbo feeling surprised and shocked and ‘said an adventure, no I don’t imagine anyone west of Bree would have much interest in adventures,nasty disturbing uncomfortable things,you’re late for dinner and grinned in a funny way and stood up and walked to his mailbox and gently put his hand in it to reach for his letters,while he was doing that Gandalf looked at him and while Bilbo was busy looking through his mail and seeing what interesting news that he got given,as he feel deep into wandering thoughts from the letter he said ‘A well good morning and tried to reach the door but Gandalf said ‘

Friday 24 July 2020

Average Speed

Task Description: Todays blog post is from my maths class in room 11,this blog post is about average speed. For this task we had to answer some questions and answer how many kilometers per hour, some of the peoples name in these questions were mainly our Point England teachers because they were been creative an used there names in each of these questions. I found hard and a little bit easy beause some of these questions took me a little bit long to answer but now it kind of gets easy every step of the way so thats one of my math blog posts I'm posting up today.

Thursday 23 July 2020

Jamaica The Blue Mountain: Coffee

Task Description: This blog post for today is from one of my routation class for inquiry about different countries,about there myth and legends that happened in there countries. Our teacher that was with us today was Mrs Nara she helped us with our inquiry task and also gave us an activity to do so that she could show our previous teacher what we have done and how much we have proven. This blog post Is about Jamaica The Blue Mountain: Coffee,we had to do some research about it and present what we know about it and took notes of it.

Wednesday 22 July 2020

The Watcher Of The South

Task Description: This blog post in from my inquiry class from our routation to other classes in team 5,our teacher that was with us for our inquiry routations for today was Mrs Tapuke but our next class we are going to for today is Mrs Moala in room 1. This blog post is about the watcher of the of the South in South Africa,the story was a myth meaning that it was something that was made up or how they thought the lands of there coubtry was created.We also had to do a video for this task so it will be on the slide it will be cringy because we kinda took our time and messed it up so sorry if it ain't that good.

Paul Bunyan: America

Task Description: This blog was from my inquiry task my old teacher Mrs Moala in room 1 in team 5 block where the seniors are. This blog post is about a famous person called Paul Bunyan,Paul Bunyan is America's famous statue and celebrity because lireally everywhere you go in America you will see statues and photos all about Paul Bunyan what he did and how he lived his life.

Tuesday 21 July 2020

Dragons Eye Lake-Croatian Myth

Task Description: This is another inquiry task but from another class because as I said in my last inquiry blog that this week we have routations for inquiry so today in inquiry our teacher was Mr hughes,we were talking and learning about myth and legends in Croatia but mainly a myth. A myth is something that is basically made up like how they use hereos and stuff and kegends are stuff that are based on facts about actual characters and people. It was fun learning about the dragons eye lake because it was very interesting and I got to learn about with my classmates and discover what the difference to Croatias myth and legends are to to other cultures and counrties,but on Wednesday is going to be a different task that room 11&12 will be doing for our next routations,oh and our other teacher did this slide was Mrs Tele sadly she wasn't there so another teacher did it with us.

Cambodia Tour Guide

Task Description:This blog post is the same as the other Cambodia blog post about match 'em up,this is also part of my inquiry tasks for this wk. This week we will be doing routations,so we will have to routate to different classes and study what the teachers provided for us,so this is the 2 post that I had to do for my first inquiry group so now I'm onto my next posts from other teachers and classes.

Monday 20 July 2020

Match 'em up

Task Description: This blog post is from my inquiry that I did with the rest of my class including the teacher as well,this task is part  a world of difference but mixed with some other stuff and it also is telling us about myths and legends. This was done by room 11&12 for our inquiry class because it is almost like our literacy class because this term we are in our math class as our home class as well,this task that I am doing is a myth that Combadian people taught to their childrens. This is an activity like match them up,so all I had to do was put the images and boxes in the right place and then I had to retell some of the bits in the stroy in my own words the I'm done.

Immersion Assembly

Task Description: This blog post is what room 11&12 has to do,so we have to explain what happened in assembly and your highlights of things that happened too. Today my highlights for when we were in assembly was when each team block presented a movie or a play talking about our different world and different cultures. Also how some teachers shared some of the things they know about there families history from back in the olden days,they also explained what there cultures are all about and what the things they have are telling us about and how they all have a story behind everything they present or use in there play or video,say like I'm from the Cook Islands and I present something from the Islands infront of the whole school like I present a coconut from a coconut from the Islands we use coconuts to drink and to eat the uto inside it,we use the kikau leaves to make baskets,bracelets,classes,balls & hats.Also one of my highlights was when team 5 teachers went up on stage to present there play because they were telling a stpry about an eel and a young girl,telling what it was about and how they played it. So in assembly the teachers explained to us for our  Inquiry we will all be learning about a world of difference and other cultures that we students and teachers are from & try to understand what each culture mean and why they are so different from other cultures. Through this whole term I will be putting up some tasks on my blog about Inquiry of a world of difference,I will also be showing some photos that have been taking during emmersion assembly under this task description as well.

Thursday 2 July 2020

Term 1&2 Highlights

Task Description: This is a blog post that we had to do telling about our highlights and low lights from term 1&2 telling what we did and what happened. We also had to do it on a google drawing and we had to do Term 3 goals and saying what we want to improve.

Wednesday 1 July 2020

Nelson Mandela

Task Description: This is a blog post that was part of a protest from my literacy class in room 11&12 on the other side of Point England school. We were learning about protesters and protesting that has been going around ever since the 19s & 18s long before we were born,we are also learning about some people that were included during these protests like Nelson Mandela and many others. But this is a task that I had to do which is a inforgraphic about someone who was mentioned in the story.