Monday 29 June 2020

Personal Response

Task Description: This blog post is about the books that we read from our SSR reading ride after lunch time team 5 block would do SSR in their classes for either 20 or 30 minutes because it mainly helps us with our reading & writing classes and other stuff that include reading,it also helps us understand what we are reading about and helps us learn bigger words and helps our spellings. We did this with a different teacher because our actual teacher was sick so she didn't come to school so we did it with Mr hughes,we had to write what book we read and then we had to write the question on the board on a google doc and answer them.

What is the title of your book? 

Frozen 2,Forest of Shadows

Who is the author of your book?

An original tale by: Kamilla Benko

  • The most interesting character was Anna

      because she was the only family member who never                                knew about their families secrets until  Elsa’s coronation.

  • What I learned from this reading was that this is talking about them trying to help out their kingdom and the other nations around them.

  • This reading reminded me of a movie I have seen because….... The 2 girls are from frozen 2 & 1 but frozen 2 was the most interesting one.

  • My big question about this story is........ Why did their family king Runard and Queen Iduna keep a hidden  room from their daughters?

  • If I could rewrite the story I would be ........ That I would use more describable words and add some pictures to the story to shake things up a bit.

  • Something the authir did really well/poorly was .......

How she put in some details and made the story more interesting by trying to solve a mystery that had created a problem to their kingdom.

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